Friday 3 February 2012

App Feature: Zombies, Run! (2012)

By Scott Jeffrey

Running is a real drag, but getting into the habit of jogging or running is a great way to exercise and lose weight. Many video game characters run constantly in order to pick up quest items, avoid baddies and get from place to place, but all without the gamer having to do any of the legwork.

The developers at 6 To Start began to develop the idea to turn running into a game. They have turned the gamer into the character that was doing all of that exercise in order to further the progress in the story. What they came up with was Zombies, Run!

The game is an easily downloadable application, which will soon be available for Ipod touch, Iphones and android devices. The object of the game is to collect supplies to take home for survival all while running from hordes of zombies, much like what would happen in a real walking dead situation.

The more you run the more resources you are able to obtain, and when you get home it is up to you to decide how to implement each resource to build your own community and increase your odds of surviving the zombies.

One feature I really enjoy about this app is it lets you keep your music playlists going on your device as well. Letting you know when you are approaching zombies and what resources and story items you are obtaining during your run, while still playing your music.

The app also keeps track of all the technical workout information during your run, including your pace and distance as well as the number of calories you burned during your workout.

The drudgery of running can be managed simply by turning it into a game. I am however a bit afraid of my appearance while running. I can’t imagine what an onlooker may think to see me sprinting up my block, with a look of sheer terror on my face, running from pretend zombies on an audio track. I guess I’ll run when the sun sets so nobody has to see.Then again that might also make it even more frightening.

Nonetheless if this game can motivate me to run, keep interested in running from zombies and building up my own zombie proof empire, than it has done its job to entertain and improve fitness levels for nerds everywhere.

I shall be watching closely on the release date for 6 To Start’s Zombies Run, due out Q1 2012.

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